Celebrating his 57th birthday today, Shah Rukh Khan, Bollywood’s renowned King of Romance, is causing a stir across India. Born on November 2, 1965, Khan’s journey from humble beginnings to Bollywood stardom has served as a beacon of inspiration for countless aspirants. Despite recent controversies, the allure he exerts on a billion Indian hearts continues, solidifying his status as a favorite among brands.
The brand journey of SRK, despite a few setbacks, remains robust. According to the 2021 Duff & Phelps Celebrity Brand Evaluation report, Shah Rukh Khan’s brand value stands at $46.3 million. Over the years, he has been associated with over 40 brands, including prominent names like BYJU’S, Reliance Jio, LG TV, Pepsi, Thums Up, Godrej Magic Bodywash, and Denver, among others. Additionally, he has been featured in Dubai Tourism advertisements.
Following the temporary dip in his brand value post the Aryan Khan controversy, Shah Rukh Khan made a strong comeback after a few months. As he marks his 57th birthday, two notable events add to the excitement: the release of the teaser for his highly anticipated film “Pathan” and the re-release of the iconic “Dilwale Dulhaniya Le Jayenge” in theaters.
Reflecting on the year since the Aryan Khan controversy, let’s explore some significant brand endorsements and advertisements featuring the King Khan:
**Online Gaming Platform A23:**
Shah Rukh Khan became the brand ambassador for the online multi-gaming platform A23. He is prominently featured in A23’s ‘Chalo Saath Khele’ campaign. Deepak Gullapalli, Founder & CEO of Head Digital Works, emphasized that Khan embodies the platform’s values, symbolizing self-made champions who exhibit professionalism and skill in their gaming pursuits.